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Antra Yatra Ashram Slider
Antra Yatra Ashram Slider
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" અખંડ પ્રસન્નતા એ સર્વોત્તમ જીવનની સર્વોત્તમ પારાશીશી છે. "

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Swami Shri Premchaitanyaji

Welcome To Antaryatra Ashram

“ANTARYATRA” (Ashram) commenced in 1986 near Rupayatan at the foothill (Bhavnath Taleti) of Girnar (junagadh - Gujarat) By nature Swami Premchaitanyaji is simple, frankly speaking, serviceable, loving, strict for the sadhakas if need be and yet soft from witty (Not jolly). Sometimes it may happen that we can not understand easily what is told by him because, it is in the form of inward flashes, away from publicity and hence with rocket like speed towards goal.

This is the character sketch of Swamiji in short. During his career as professor in college. In March-1973 Swami Shri Premchaitanyaji initiated “SHAKTIPAT DIKSHA” from DHYANYOGISHRI Madhusudanji Maharaj at the place ‘BANDHAVAD. At the same time, he made progress in the path of sadhana, and while making progress, a stage arrived when he embressed celibacy at the behest of GURU Maharaj. Thereafter he toured in the entire country as a seer. Instead of visiting temples and shrines, inner curiosity to imbibe inspiration from living great men was stronger.

- Swami Shri Premchaitanyaji

Ashram Daily Activities

Daily Activities

રોજ સાંજે ૬:૩૦ થી ૭ :૦૦ મૌન ધ્યાન બેઠક


શિબિર નું આયોજન થાય ત્યારે ૩ દિવસ ની શિબિર

Ashram's Festival